
Do you live a balanced life? No? You should!

By September 3, 2018 March 1st, 2020 No Comments

I’m a big advocate of living a balanced life but how many people are living like that? It’s hard to live like that. Especially in this day and age. People judge if you try to live balanced but you can’t be fulfilled if you’re neglecting this. You can’t be happy if you’re not fulfilled. This blog is the result of people who found it weird that I decided to walk a dog every day during my 2-week vacation. They would have done other things. It’s easy to “judge” others but they never asked me why I decided to do it. They just had an opinion and decided to share it. That’s something that most people do a lot lately. Well, they just shove it into my face regardless if I care or not. Hint: I mostly don’t.

Do you live a balanced life? No? You should!

People have lost it in my opinion. So many people live unfulfilledĀ lives but they don’t do anything about it. They snooze all the time before they have to go to work (literally the worst thing that you can do). You need to change something if you don’t want to get up first thing in the morning. But most people don’t so they work all day in a job which they despise. So you’re stuck the majority of the time because you get stuck in traffic every day and you’re stuck at your job. That’s like 80% of your day so you’re unhappy and tired. So you come home and just sit on the couch and watch some television until you fall asleep after you’ve eaten some unhealthy food but it can be different.

Because why would you still go to the gym if you’re tired already?

But you can live a better life! Why don’t you go outside after you’re done with your job? Spend some time in nature. People underestimate the healing and relaxing force of nature. Or just go to a park. You don’t have to hunt or gather food to enjoy this. There’s nothing like going into the woods, getting completely lost and then find a beautiful spot where you can sit down and be grateful. It’s instajoy.

Rule of thumb: You have lost a connection with the present moment if you can’t enjoy nature. Those people have drifted far away from themselves.

Do you live a balanced life? No? You should!

A lot of people claim that they’ll be happy if they have this or that but they quickly realize that they’re not happy once they’ve got it. So they look for another thing that can make them happy. People are always looking for something to make them happy but they don’t realize that things will never fill the void. All those things are just momentary happiness. It takes people a whole lifetime to realize that they should have focused more on their partner and kids instead of hustling 24/7. You should work hard but you should also take time to relax. That’s important because you’ll burn out otherwise.

Live a more balanced life and learn to be present in the now.

Let’s talk about balance and love.

The best things in life are connected to love. You don’t believe me, do you? I’m not only talking about my love for MMA this time. Although I love it. I’m talking about love between people. There’s something magical about being together with another human being. It’s like yin and yang come together and become one (if you met the right woman of course). Love will give you joy in life. You might claim that love can suck when you’re going through rough times but every couple faces those. There’s just something great about saying I’m committing to this project and this person and I’m willing to go through the tough times to make it work. People who never do this are missing out on things in life.

Just my opinion though. In the end, you can do whatever you want. You can even share your opinion in the comment section, how about that?! Marvelous isn’t it?!

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Till next time





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