
Are you dead or alive? The answer might shock you

By May 31, 2017 December 27th, 2019 No Comments
So are you dead or alive? You might assume that you're alive but you're dead in reality. That's shocking isn't it?

So are you dead or alive? You might assume that you’re alive but in reality, you’re dead. That’s shocking, isn’t it? Don’t worry I’ll explain why you’re dead and still alive at the same time. Most people feel alive as soon as the weekend arrives. They go out and feel hungover the day after. That’s being dead in my eyes. Well going out can be fun but being hungover? Hell no, I’m never drinking again. So you might still be frustrated because you were convinced that you were alive. There’s a slight chance that you are but I wouldn’t count on it.

Dead or alive?

There are two types of time according to Robert Greene. There’s dead time where people are passive and waiting. The opposite is alive time where people are active, acting, learning and using every second that they’ve got. You’ve got the choice of how you use your time and most people don’t use it wisely. They don’t realize that choices shape your life whether you like it or not. Those choices can make a huge difference in your life. So you assume that you’re alive but you’re not. You’re lying to yourself and you know it. So stop pretending that you’re ok, you’re wasting precious time. Most people don’t seem to get it because they lose their ability to think over time. That’s one of the first things that I noticed after I’d done multiple temporary jobs.

Do you want to remain dead?

Don’t worry, you can come back to life but you’ll have to do some effort. You could start reading books or practicing a new sport. What you do doesn’t matter as long as you make your time on earth count. I challenge you to pick up a book. Go to a library in the city and pick something out that you want to learn or assume that you want to learn. Create your path instead of following in the footsteps of others.

But Alex that’s easy. Yeah, I get, you’re in your comfort zone but who says that the ones who walked in front of you took the right path?!

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Till next time






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