
Don’t cheat yourself, TREAT YOURSELF.

By June 26, 2018 March 1st, 2020 No Comments

Do you treat yourself? Well of course you do! Who doesn’t right?! But I’m not talking about going to the sauna or the theaters. I’m not talking about going out or buying new stuff. All those things might be cheating yourself instead of treating yourself. Sounds weird, doesn’t it?! People just have a weird definition of treating themselves if you ask me. They all do things that don’t require anything intellectual at all. They just cheat on themselves in so many ways but I did the same in the past. I cheated on myself big time in the past because I did what most people did. I just didn’t know any better. Following the herd is easy and that’s why we do it. The problem was that I didn’t like where I ended up. I had to face a lot of personal demons. A lot and I created them all on my own. Sad if you think about it. I was the source of my misery and I didn’t get it. Well, I assume that most people don’t get this.

It’s hard to accept as well but you’re a long way ahead if you learn to accept your problems.

Don’t cheat yourself, TREAT YOURSELF.

People like to convince themselves that they’re fine even if they’re not and this is dangerous. You’ll end up in a series of lies that becomes so big that you’re eventually lost. You’ll become entangled in your web of lies. You might not realize it at the start but the more lies, the bigger the mess that you’ve got to clean up. Imagine that you’ve got the normal diet (bread, pasta, tons of processed food,….), pretty stressful life and so on. Suddenly you get out of shape and slowly but surely you’re overweight. You convince yourself that you’re fine and try to diet (aka starve yourself to death). It works until you face a new wave of stress that you can’t handle. Then you have to eat to comfort yourself so over time you gain more weight and you can’t do anything about it. Working overtime is nothing new to you and eating out is never healthy.

Then comes a point where you’ll claim that you never have to go to the doctor so you have to be in perfect health right? Can you see where this is leading? Probably a burnout or even worse. So you can guess what worse means right? Something like a heart attack.

Don’t cheat yourself, TREAT YOURSELF.

I think it’s easy to lie to ourselves. It’s the easy way out to not have to face the fact that we are fucking up. We make excuses for ourselves and live in a false sense of reality. I call this a false sense of reality because people get stuck in it. The way they view themselves is the opposite of what they mostly are. But somehow they believe it. It’s dangerous and frustrating because some events will make them face the truth and they’ll always find a way to rationalize it. But what happens over time? There’s no growth. You can’t even call it stagnation. They’re going backward at a very fast pace.

Don’t cheat yourself, TREAT YOURSELF. Mental health is important.

Most people neglect mental health. Yes, they do. Just look at how many times people spend on trying to impress others by showboating with stuff or a nice body. They have all the glitter and the glamour but they’re not happy. Why? Because they cheat on themselves. Their perception of happiness is “wrong”. They want to impress others and assume that they’ll be happy by doing it. But you won’t get the attention that you wanted and end up feeling lonely and hollow (been there done that). But what about mental health? How many books do you read per week? How many podcasts do you listen to per week? Do you write to reflect on things? Do you even think about your mental health at all or are you going to pop pills and pay the bills? You just want to party and don’t want to work, don’t you?!

Popping anti-depressants won’t help you because they won’t solve all the lies that you’ve told yourself. You have to break down all of your lies one by one and look yourself in the mirror and accept that you’ve just fucked up.

Don’t cheat yourself, TREAT YOURSELF.

There was a time where I got a complete burn out by lying to myself (just read the story here). It was so bad that I had to take medication to control my blood pressure and my heart rate. I was 22 at the moment and multiple people told me that this wasn’t normal. Well, it wasn’t normal. This was the result of my actions. I remember that I went out 2 days after my doctor’s visit. That party changed something because I couldn’t drink alcohol. I had to face my demons because they kept on coming at me. I came home and went to sleep. The next morning I got up and realized how much pain I was. I cried for about 45 minutes and went for a long walk after that. On that walk, I cried again (I still know the exact place). That was where I told myself that I had to change something. I couldn’t live on like this, I would have killed myself if I had lived on like this. I hated myself at that point, I was a worthless piece of shit back then. Isn’t it crazy?

My whole life changed as soon as I started taking action. I had no clue what I was doing, to be honest. I just emulated other successful people and hoped to get better that way. Reading was one of the habits that helped me because I think it helped widen my mindset.

The (un)necessary wake up call.

You don’t want to reach this point trust me on this one. It ended well for me but there would have been people who didn’t make the right decision right here. But I don’t know if I agree with myself on that first sentence. Somehow the point of no return is great. It sucks at the moment but it’s life-changing if you get through it. Most people can’t change their lives because they’re too comfortable.

My unhappiness made me do so many dumb things that I turned my comfort zone into something uncomfortable and that wasn’t on purpose. So I think it has its benefits. I have no clue if I had ended up the same if I had taken action way sooner. I suppose not but we’ll never know the answer to that question. The best thing that I can do is come up with an if .. then scenario.

In conclusion: Don’t cheat yourself, TREAT YOURSELF.

Train your mind like you train your body. Your mind can and will create your reality. Your mind will help you see the good in every situation and find solutions to any problems that come your way.

In Conclusion: An unhealthy mind in a healthy body isn’t healthy and vice versa. Just think about it.

Don’t forget to check out my book. The ones who read it liked it.

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Till next time




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