Can you guess the definition of hell?! You probably assume that hell must be something like being together with your ex again but it’s not. The real definition of hell is this: on your last day on earth the person you became will meet the person you should have become. Get it? Let it sink in for a moment and read it again. The real definition of hell is this: on your last day on earth the person you became will meet the person you should have become. Now that’s what I call a meaningful quote. Can you even imagine that you meet yourself but as a better version. You’ll suddenly realize that you fucked up your whole life. That can’t be a joyful feeling and you can’t escape death so what can you do to avoid something like this?
You won’t face hell like this but you might face hell
Well you won’t face something like this but you’ll face regret like most people. Most people reflect on their life when they realize that they’re going to die and there are 5 regrets that return over and over again.
- I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.
- I wish I hadn’t worked so hard
- I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings.
- I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends
- I wish that I had let myself be happier
The first one is the most popular one. It’s really hard to be true to you but it’s also the greatest feeling in the world. People have the weird tendency to please others. They just follow the herd like a sheep but the herd doesn’t get much out of life. They just run around but accomplish little to nothing because they like to stay in their comfort zone. The sad part about this story is that those people will blame others for their problems and failures.
Somebody really has to explain to me how life can cheat on people. That’s just impossible but there are still so many people who feel cheated by life.
Hell and a new dilemma
Ever seen The Matrix trilogy? So I guess that you know that Neo has to choose between a blue and a red pill? Okay here comes a new dilemma. Imagine this: there’s a guy who comes up to you and tells you that he has a blue pill and a red pill. You’ll restart your life at the age of 10 with all the knowledge you’ve got now if you take the blue pill. Taking the red pill means that you’ll fast forward your life to the age of 50 with 10 million on your bank account.
I would take the blue pill. The majority of people would take the red pill though and can you guess why? Because they became dumb and dumber after the age of 23. Those people can’t think straight and are blinded by the money. They want instant gratification but don’t get that they’ll face long- term frustration. They can reproduce facts but they lost their ability to think. Only dumb people would take the red pill. It’s like playing the lottery, you’ll be broke within 5 years mark my words!
Can you guess the definition of hell?! What’s the point?
The point is to get the most out of your life. It’s really that easy. Live a life that worth living. I seriously don’t see the point in living a life that you don’t want. It’s a big waste of time. You’re wasting precious time and you probably don’t even realize it. I mean people in their 20’s have two problems.
- the fact they didn’t charge their phone
- the fact that they feel bored
The second one is the saddest one. People complain about the fact that they’re bored but that enforces that feeling. So they make the problem worse and just do nothing about it. The do stuff like watching television or something else. These people feel even worse after they watched television and mostly go to sleep. It’s a never ending cycle and a bad habit. Why don’t you start reading books?! You’ll feel a lot happier after you’ve read a book. That’s just my 2 cents.
Was this post about hell worth it?
This is a more provoking post and it’s definitely not the first one that I wrote. I never doubted to release it but I’m realistic as well. There will be people who find this post complete bullshit. Other will be motivated and forget about it as soon as they get a notification on their phone. The last group is the group that really gets the message and actually makes a change. The first two groups will eventually hate on the third group because they are envying their success.
Just don’t give a fuck. Keep on going and create momentum. It’s all about investing time instead of wasting time but that’s a topic for a future blog post.
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Till next time
I’d take the blue pill for sure. Time, experience, and knowledge beatbout a fat bank account any day
for sure! Great choice!